大学物理 ›› 2016, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 39-39.

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  1. 中国石油大学理学院,山东青岛266580
  • 出版日期:2016-01-25 发布日期:2016-07-19

A method of electric heating ratio measuring the specific heat capacity of liquid

  • Online:2016-01-25 Published:2016-07-19

摘要: 在电热法测量液体比热容实验中,通常运用牛顿冷却定律进行系统散热的修正.基于对系统散热的计算和分析,本文提出通过两个不同的电加热过程的系统散热比值的方法来测量液体比热容.实验测试结果显示该测量方案可操作性强,精度高,适于在大学物理实验教学中普及和推广.

关键词: 比热容, 电热法, 比值法, 牛顿冷却定律

Abstract: In the liquid specific heat capacity measurement experiment using the electric heating method, the Newton's law of cooling is usually used to correct the system heat dissipation problem.Through calculation and analysis of the system heat dissipation,a new measurement scheme is put forward to reduce the effects of the system heat dissi- pation on the test results.The system heat dissipation ratio of two different heating processes is used to measure the liquid specific heat capacity in the new method.Test results show that the measurement scheme has strong operability and high precision, which is suitable for popularization and promotion in the university physics experiment teaching.

Key words: specific heat, electrothermal process, ratio method, Newton's law of cooling


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