大学物理 ›› 2008, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 52-52.

• 著者文摘 • 上一篇    下一篇


毛骏健 顾牡   

  1. 同济大学物理系,上海200092
  • 出版日期:2008-06-25 发布日期:2008-06-20

Talk about the teaching material of 《 University physics》

  • Online:2008-06-25 Published:2008-06-20

摘要: 介绍了作者在编写《大学物理学》教材时的构思和编写情况.以课程建设的目标为指导思想,阐述了在教材编写过程中如何突出科学思想和方法、如何理论联系实际、如何全面展示我们周围的物质世界,以使学生在学习物理学知识的同时把物理学当作一门科学素质教育课程来学习;同时也介绍了在教材编写过程中借鉴国外优秀教材之长,从版面色彩、教材体例和文字叙述等各个方面进行综合处理,以达到新编教材具有通俗性、趣味性以及亲和作用的特色,使这套教材不仅使教师便于讲授,更有助于学生的自学和阅读.

关键词: 大学物理学, 教材建设, 编写构思

Abstract: The ideas of writing the book of 《University physics》 and writing situation are introduced. Taking the goal of curriculum construction as a gruidance, the article elaborates in writing the book how to give prominence to scientific ideas and methods, how to combine theory with practice and how to display the whole material world around us, so that while as students learn physics knowledge, they can also take physics as a scientific quality education course to learn at the same time. The article also describes the treatments of several aspects of the book, such as the color version, the style of book, the textual descriptions etc. with referring to the foreign outstanding physics book, so that the new book have the characteristics of easy understanding, interesting and using friendly. This book not only facilitates teaching for teachers but also suits for students to independent learn and read.

Key words: University physics, idea of writing, features


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