大学物理 ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (11): 47-47.
• 著者文摘 • 上一篇 下一篇
摘要: 玲珑仪是元代文学家郭守敬为测定《授时历》所需基本天文数据而研制并使用的一台仪器.因为没有实物遗存传世,相关记录又比较少,中外学者_历来众说纷纭,主要有主张是传统浑仪的浑仪说,和主张是用于表演的假天仪说两种.近些年持假天仪说者众,且有制造商按假天仪说复制“玲珑仪”,本文质疑玲珑仪是传统浑仪或假天仪,认为它是郭守敬制造的一台创新天文仪器.
关键词: 郭守敬, 授时历, 浑仪, 假天仪, 冬至点, 玲珑仪
Abstract: The Ling-long instrument is an astronomical instrument created by GUO Shou-jing, the famous Chi-nese astronomer fromYuan dynasty,in order to determine the astronomical data he needed to write the "Shou-shi calendar". There is a wide spectrum of opinions on the Ling-long instrument because there is no real model or blueprint left, and there is little related historical record or description on it too. Scholars from all over the world have various ideas about what kind of instrument the Ling-long really is, among them the armillary theory and the sphereplanetarium theory are the major two. In recent years more people are inclined to agree with -the sphereplanetarium theory, believe that the Ling-long is an imitating sphereplanetarium used in representing shows. Some manufacturers were even ready to produce Ling-long as asphereplanetarium. The author here questioned these two main theories about Ling- long in this essay, and put forward a new suggestion that the Ling-long is actually an astronomical instrument invented by GUO Shou-jing, different with armillary, sphereplanetarium, or any other instrument known by people.
Key words: GUO Shou-jing, Shou-shi calendar, armillary, sphereplanetarium, winter solstice point, Ling- long instrument
杜升云. 众说纷纭玲珑仪[J]. 大学物理, 2010, 29(11): 47-47.
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