›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 37-37.

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On the velocity of light spot from the search light


  • Online:2010-04-25 Published:2010-04-20

Abstract: Velocity of light, in the vacuum, is the utmost of natural matters' movements or information and energy convey. Regardless of this condition, it's not so difficult to find super velocity of light as far as velocity is normally concerned. Some text books often take the example of the light spot movement from the search light to testify the phenomenon of super velocity of light. Through their derivation, the velocity of light spot is v=hω/cos^2θ The es-say, however, indicates the result wrong! According to the calculation for the right result, though the velocity of light spot can surpass the velocity of light, the right resuh's condition on the super velocity of light is far more complicated than the wrong one's, and theoretically richer in physics.

Key words: light spot, velocity, super velocity of light

CLC Number: 

  • O412.1