College Physics ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (03): 63-68.doi: 10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.190273
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CHEN Yu-jie,HUANG Zhi-xin,WANG Qin
The quality of freshmen in college physics study is often evaluated with scores. With the development of deeper learning,another evaluation method which is based on the SOLO (Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome)taxonomy,divided students’thinking ability in the process of solving problems into five levels. The deeper learning theory divides these five levels into two levels:deep and shallow.Based on the above theory,this study classifies the thinking ability of freshmen when a mechanical problem is solved,evaluates the depth of their learning,and compares the above two evaluation methods and has found that the latter is more scientific,more observable and more suitable for teachers to evaluate the study of college physics for deeper learning.
Key words: SOLO taxonomy, deeper learning, evaluating the quality of learning, introductory physics
CHEN Yu-jie, HUANG Zhi-xin, WANG Qin. The learning evaluation of college physics for deeper learning—taking freshmen to solve a mechanical problem as an example[J].College Physics, 2020, 39(03): 63-68.
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URL: / j.cnki.1000-0712.190273