大学物理 ›› 2007, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 1-1.

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魏国柱[1] 石晓玲[1,2] 杜安[1]   

  1. [1]东北大学理学院,辽宁沈阳110004 [2]辽宁石油化工大学,辽宁抚顺113001
  • 出版日期:2007-03-25 发布日期:2007-03-20

The motion of a simple pendulum with varying length coupled with a vertical motion

  • Online:2007-03-25 Published:2007-03-20

摘要: 研究了一个变摆长单摆运动的例子,在平面极坐标系下给出了描述该运动的二阶微分方程组.采用微分方程高精度数值解法得到了随时间变化的摆角、摆长、摆长变化率以及运动轨迹的数值精确解.在小摆角近似下,采用迭代方法推导出摆角、摆角变化率的一级近似解析表达式和摆长、摆长变化率的二级近似解析表达式.由解析表达式得到的数值结果与数值精确解相比较,二者在前几个摆动周期内相吻合.

关键词: 变摆长单摆, 平面极坐标, 数值精确解, 小摆角近似, 解析表达式

Abstract: The motion of a simple pendulum with varying length coupled with a vertical motion is investigated, the second-order differential equation set of the motion is obtained in terms of plane polar coordinates. The accurate numerical solutions of the angular displacement, the length and its rate, and the path are given with the numerical method. To the approximation for small angle, the first-order analytical expression of the angular displacement and its rate, and the second-order analytical expression of the length and its rate are derived by the iteration method. The numerical results obtained by the analytical expressions are in consistence with that of accurate numerical solutions at the first some periods.

Key words: simple pendulum with varying length, plane polar coordinates, accurate numerical solutions, approximation for small angle, analytical expression


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