大学物理 ›› 2008, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (7): 53-53.
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李翔[1] 徐平[1,2] Patrice BOTTINEAU[2]
摘要: 介绍了一种基于模拟乘法器的超声多普勒效应实验仪.该设备利用超声发射换能器的激励信号和经过限幅放大处理后的接收换能器的输出信号,作为模拟乘法器的输入;将乘法器的输出经过低通滤波器后得到多普勒频移信号,从而获得接收换能器的运动速度.该设备具有结构清晰、操作方便、物理现象明显等特点,十分适合在大学物理实验教学中应用.
关键词: 多普勒效应, 乘法器, 测速实验仪
Abstract: A kind of experimental instrument for the Doppler effect based on a multiplier is introduced. The output signal of ultrasonic receiver is processed to keep the amplitude constant before connecting to the multiplier, and the inspiriting signal of the emitter is used as a conference signal of the multiplier. The output of the multiplier passed through a low-pass filter then the Doppler frequency shift can be obtained and the speed of the receiver is calculated. The structure of this instrument is simple and the physical phenomenon of Doppler effect is easy to be observed. So it is suitable to be used in the physical experiments.
Key words: Doppler effect, multiplier, speed measurement
李翔[] 徐平[;] Patrice BOTTINEAU[]. 基于乘法器的超声多普勒实验仪的研究[J]. 大学物理, 2008, 27(7): 53-53.
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