大学物理 ›› 2008, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (9): 1-1.

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司黎明[1] 李晓伟[2] 涂宏庆[3] 侯吉旋[4]   

  1. [1]北京理工大学信息科学技术学院电子工程系,北京100081 [2]华北电力大学数理系,北京102206 [3]南京工程学院基础部,南京210000 [4]法国里昂高师化学系,里昂F-69364
  • 出版日期:2008-09-25 发布日期:2008-09-20

The corrections to the fluctuations of gas

  • Online:2008-09-25 Published:2008-09-20

摘要: 在研究气体小体积元的涨落时,传统的关于大系统的平衡涨落结果是不够的.本文首先利用平均自由程方法说明了相邻的小单元之间由关联导致的对气体涨落修正的物理机制,然后运用气体输运方法计算了精确的修正结果.

关键词: 热力学与统计物理, 涨落, 关联

Abstract: Classical theory of equilibrium fluctuations in large systems is not adequate when small volume situation is encountered. We use the mean free path approach to illuminate the physical picture of the correction to thefluctuations of gas caused by the correlation between neighboring small cells, and then calculate the exact correction by using theory of transport processes in gas.

Key words: thermodynamics and statistical physics, fluctuations, correlation


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