大学物理 ›› 2013, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 49-49.
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郭松青 宋庆功 郭艳蕊
摘要: 先介绍了工程教育背景下大学物理教学改革遇到的难题.要解决这些难题,物理教学改革需要在深层次上进行.然后,为了使得教学改革更具有普适性,本文采用问卷调查的方法,向全国高校物理界同仁发出调研问卷,并对收到的问卷做了详细的统计.之后通过对调研结果的分析,从中得到了很大启发,获得了进一步深化物理课程教改的思路.同时也明确了改革的方向.
关键词: 工程教育, 物理教学, 问卷调研
Abstract: The puzzle about teaching reform in college physics under the background of the engineering education is introduced firstly. In order to solve those problems, the teaching reform in physics must be carried out deep. Furthermore, using the method of the questionnaire to the nationwide physics teachers in colleges, the detailed statistical work is carried out for received questionnaire to make teaching reform more universal. The idea how to deepen teaching reform in physics course is obtained by means of analysis to investigation results. At the same time, the direction of the reform is ascertained.
Key words: engineering education, physics teaching, questionnaire
郭松青 宋庆功 郭艳蕊. 基于为深化物理教学改革的调研结果的研究[J]. 大学物理, 2013, 32(12): 49-49.
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