大学物理 ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (12): 35-35.

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李辉 孙大公 王铭 苑桂红 邓德宁 喀蔚波   

  1. 北京大学医学部医用理学系,北京100191
  • 出版日期:2014-12-25 发布日期:2014-12-20

A comparative study on the teaching of physics course for medical students between China and Japan

  • Online:2014-12-25 Published:2014-12-20

摘要: 作者对日本庆应大学医学部的物理学教学进行了深入考察.通过学校教师介绍,与相关教师交流,参观物理实验室,对庆应大学医学生的物理学教学情况有了比较全面的了解.并将日本庆应大学为代表的日本医学专业物理学基础课程的教学与国内医学专业物理学基础课程的教学状况进行了对比,以期对国内相关领域的教学起到借鉴、参考作用.

关键词: 物理教学, 庆应大学医学部, 比较研究

Abstract: A deep investigation for physics course teaching in heahh science center of Japan Keio university is presented. A comprehensive understanding is acquired through listening to introduction,discussing with faculties, and visiting laboratories. A comparison is conducted between China and Japan with regard to the teaching of physics course for medical students. The finding of the study is reported here for the reference of domestic related teaching.

Key words: physics teaching, health science center of Keio university, comparative study


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