大学物理 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 56-56.
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曾玖红[1] 曾锡滨[2] 游开明[2]
摘要: 据认知心理学观点,学生数理结合的知识是通过大脑内部建构数理结合型认知结构来表征的.改革数学和物理教学,利用数学通过概念同化帮助学生理解与掌握物理理论,构建内容丰富、结构优良的数理结合型认知结构;并通过练习,培养运用数学解决物理问题的能力.10多年的改革实践,较好地解决了数理结合的问题,实现了普通物理和理论物理相关课程合并教学.
关键词: 认知结构, 物理教学, 数理结合
Abstract: According to the concept of cognitive psychology,the students ' knowledge of combination of mathematics and physics is represented through constructing the cognitive structure of the combination of mathematics and physics in the brain. In the reform of mathematics and physics teaching,we firstly use the method of concept assi-milation to help students to understand and master the concepts and laws of physics,then build the optimal cognitive structure of the combination of mathematics and physics. Finally,through practice,we cultivate students' abilities to use the skills of mathematics to solve physical problems. Through more than 10 years constant teaching practice,we have found a better solution to the problem of mathematics and physics combination and achieved combining teaching with general physics and theoretical physics.
Key words: cognitive structure, physics teaching, combination of mathematics and physics
曾玖红[] 曾锡滨[] 游开明[]. 从优化认知结构角度探索物理教学数理结合问题[J]. 大学物理, 2015, 34(2): 56-56.
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