大学物理 ›› 2007, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 1-1.
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摘要: 在基础光学框架内,通过杨氏双孔干涉实验中线偏振光的干涉及线偏振光经过两任意厚度晶片的干涉等几个实例,说明了基于矢量波叠加概念的电磁干涉的基本思想、基本分析方法和基本现象.偏振光干涉时,观测平面上可以出现或不出现光强的周期性空间调制,但一般都产生光场偏振态的周期调制.它表明了光的矢量性对干涉的重要影响,并可揭示只分析强度条纹时被掩盖的一些物理效应.
关键词: 杨氏实验, 电磁干涉, 矢量波叠加, 偏振光, 衬比度
Abstract: The basic analytic method and phenomena of electromagnetic interference is explained through the discussions of Young's experiment of polarized light within the framework of fundamental optics based on the superposition of vectorial waves, including the interference of two linearly polarized beams and the case of one linear beam passing through a pair of wave plates of arbitrary thickness. It shows that generally the spatial mod- ulation of polarization will occur at the observation plane with or without intensity modulation. These analyses indicate the important role of vectorial properties of light waves in interference and may uncover some physical effects of interference hidden when only the intensity fringes are concerned.
Key words: Young' s experiment, electromagnetic interference, superposition of vectorial waves, polarization, contrast
蔡履中. 偏振光的杨氏干涉[J]. 大学物理, 2007, 26(6): 1-1.
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