大学物理 ›› 2008, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 48-48.
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王璐 杨百瑞
摘要: 在“RLC串联电路暂态过程的研究”实验中,由于示波器两测量探头间电容和电容箱“零电容”的存在,导致阻尼振荡周期的理论计算值与实验值之间可能产生非常大的误差.本文通过测量上述两类电容,对周期的理论计算值进行了修正,使之与实验值的相对误差明显减小.
关键词: RLC串联电路, 暂态过程, 示波器两探头间电容, 电容箱零电容
Abstract: In the experiment named "Studies on the transient processes in a RLC series circuit", large differences between the theoretical and the experimental values of the damp oscillating period have been detected. It has been found that these differences are induced by the capacitance between the two probes of the oscillograph and the "zero capacitance" of the capacitors. Experiments are performed to obtain the value of these two capacitances and the theoretical values of the damp oscillating period are recalculated with the consideration of these two capacitances
Key words: RLC series circuit, transient processes, capacitance between the two probes of the oscillograph, "zero capacitance" of the capacitors
王璐 杨百瑞. “RLC串联电路暂态过程的研究”实验中电容系统误差的测量与修正[J]. 大学物理, 2008, 27(2): 48-48.
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