大学物理 ›› 2015, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (9): 59-59.

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  1. 河北大学宋史研究中心,河北保定071002
  • 出版日期:2015-09-25 发布日期:2015-09-20

Of the Born and the series of research of the school——How did Born teach and supervise outstanding physical figures?

  • Online:2015-09-25 Published:2015-09-20

摘要: 在20世纪20年代至30年代,玻恩创立了哥廷根物理学派.玻恩培养了一大批20世纪物理学一流人才,玻恩的多部物理学专业著作被物理界专家誉为特殊领域的"圣经",对一代又一代物理学家影响深刻.玻恩如何创立其学派?玻恩学派为什么能在科学研究与培养人才方面都取得成功?玻恩培养的优秀物理人才或助手都是谁?玻恩影响深远的几部物理著作有哪些?答案都在本文中.本文上一部分介绍玻恩培养过的优秀弟子有哪些,以及玻恩如何建立和运作其学派;本文下一部分描述玻恩因材施教,成功培养优秀弟子的事例,并介绍几部玻恩撰写的经典著作及这些著作对于20世纪物理界,尤其对年轻物理学家的重要影响.

关键词: 哥廷根物理学派, 原子物理, 晶格动力学理论, 光学原理

Abstract: In the late 1920s to 1930s, Max Born established his physical school in Gtittingen. Born had culti- vated a galaxy of outstanding physical figures in 20th century, Born also wrote several physical books which are called the Bible in especial field by physicists, these books have profound effect on physicists from generation to generation. How did Born established his school? Why Born' s school could get so many achievements in the fields of researching work and supervising students ? Who as a very known physicists ever were Max Born' s students or assistants ? How many books by Max Born have profound influence and what are they? The answers are all in the paper. Part one of it introduces the outstanding physical figures whom were cultivated by Max Born, and also shows the process in which Max Born built his school. Part two of the paper gives the examples to show the successful method that Born instruct different student by different way, introduce several classical physical books wrote by Max Born, and the important influence gave to young physicists in 20th century by these books of Born.

Key words: Gottingen physical school, atomic physics, dynamical theory of crystal lattices, principle of optics


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