大学物理 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (06): 58-.doi: 10.16854/j.cnki.1000-0712.230298

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  1. 河南工业大学理学院应用物理学系,河南郑州450001
  • 收稿日期:2023-08-08 修回日期:2023-09-25 出版日期:2024-07-18 发布日期:2024-08-22
  • 作者简介:韩晓雯(2001—),女,河南安阳人,河南工业大学应用物理学系2019级本科生

Using CMOS image sensors on mobile phone to measure spring stiffness coefficient

HAN Xiao-wen, CAI Gen-wang   

  1. Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China
  • Received:2023-08-08 Revised:2023-09-25 Online:2024-07-18 Published:2024-08-22

摘要: 测量弹簧劲度系数一般有两种方法:拉伸法和简谐振动法.在传统拉伸法测量中,大多通过增减砝码来间接测量,在传统简谐振动法测量实验中,大多采用光电门对弹簧振子周期进行计时.本文主要利用智能手机CMOS图像传感器来测量简谐振动的振子位置随时间变化图像,从图像中提取周期和阻尼信息,进而得出弹簧的弹性系数.改进后,实验数据测量的标准偏差和相对误差较小,分别为0.003 7 N/m和0.26%.本实验能够详细地观察到弱阻尼简谐振动的物理图像,测量出空气和水中的弱阻尼系数.

关键词: CMOS图像传感器, 弹簧振子, 阻尼, 弹簧弹性系数, 周期

Abstract: Generally there are two methods for measuring the spring coefficient: tension method and harmonic oscillation method. In the traditional stretching method experiments, most indirect measurements are made by adding or subtracting weights. In traditional harmonic oscillation experiments, a photoelectric gate is used to time the period of the spring oscillator. In this article the complementary mental oxide semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor of a smartphone is primarily utilized to measure the position of the oscillator as it varies with time in the harmonic oscillation. The period and damping information are extracted from the image, and thereby the spring coefficient is obtained. After the improvement, the standard deviation and relative error of the experimental data are smaller, which are 0.0037 N/m and 0.26 percent, respectively. The physical image of the weak damping simple harmonic vibration can be observed in detail and the weak damping coefficient in air and water can be measured.

Key words: CMOS image sensor, spring oscillator, damping, spring coefficient, period