›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (11): 1-1.
• 著者文摘 • Next Articles
Abstract: Since Dirac proposed the concept of magnetic monopole, both the experimental and the theoretical physicists have made great efforts to search for such fantastic particles, but have not found any firm evidence for their existence. Recently, some condensed matter physicists claimed that they had found some convincing evidence of the existence of them in momentum space and spin ice. Furthermore, they interpreted some novel phenomena by the collective behavior of magnetic monopoles. This casts a flash of hope on the difficult road searching for such charming particles. As a supplement of teaching materials, we want to give a summarization of the recently progress in magnetic monopole to provide a whole picture of the magnetic monopoles and to stimulate the interesting of the readers.
Key words: magnetic monopole, anomalous Hall effect, spin ice
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