›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 52-52.

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Investigation on introducing digital holography into optical experimental teaching


  • Online:2010-04-25 Published:2010-04-20

Abstract: Digital holography is a novel technique of optical imaging and measuring, which compromises the merits of computer technology, digital image processing and traditional optical holography. There are many potential applications for digital holography which is the active research field. It is proposed to introduce the digital holography into optical experimental teaching for the undergraduate students so that the students can learn to operate the equipments like CCD and other optoelectronic devices. Also, in this way they ean understand better the physical insight about the diffraction propagation of light waves. In addition, by applying those abstract theories during the experiments, such as the Fresnel diffraction theory, the principle of holograms, the sampling theorem and the discrete Fourier transform, the learning interest of the students will be aroused and their practical capability will be enhanced.

Key words: digital holography, experimental teaching, Fresnel hologram, numerical reconstruction

CLC Number: 

  • O438.1