大学物理 ›› 2005, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (9): 38-38.
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郭平生 [1] 韩光泽 [2] 华贲 [2]
摘要: 从能量公设的角度论述了自由能及其判据的普遍化形式,并对其本质内涵进行了讨论.讨论认为:热力学系统中自由能的一般形式是与N种功类型相关的各种能形式之和,对孤立物体系在温度不变的情形下,不可逆过程总是导致总自由能的减少.通过实例说明了普遍化形式自由能判据的应用.
关键词: 能量公设, 自由能判据, 水滴增长
Abstract: The general form of the free energy and its criterion is educed from the energy postulate, and the essential connotation of the free energy and its criterion is discussed. It is considered that the general form of the free energy is summation of all energy forms correlating with N kinds of work in a thermodynamic system and that the inreversible processes of an isolated system for ever results in the reduction of total free energy under the condition of the fixed temperature. It is showed by an example how the general form of the free energy criterion is applied, which embodies the philosophy thought that all kinds of movement may interact.
Key words: energy postulate, free energy criterion, water drop increase
郭平生 [] 韩光泽 [] 华贲 []. 能量公设与自由能判据的普遍化形式[J]. 大学物理, 2005, 24(9): 38-38.
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