大学物理 ›› 2009, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 11-11.
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杨河林 肖婷
摘要: 对于处在均匀外电场中含有偏心球形微粒的介质球,利用分离变量法求出球内外的电场,给出了球外电偶极矩和电四极矩的近似表达式.首次引入含有偏心球形微粒介质球的有效介电常量,它不同于同心多层介质球的等效介电常量,不仅与介质球内的介质有关,而且与球外介质有关.数值结果显示了有效介电量数随偏心距和球外介质介电常量的变化情况.
关键词: 偏心球形微粒, 偏心距, 有效介电常量
Abstract: The analytical expressions of effective dipole moment and quadrupole moment for a dielectric sphere with an eccentric spherical inclusion under the influence of a static uniform external field are obtained by using the variable separation. The approximate effective permittivity (AEP) of dielectric sphere with an eccentric spherical inclusion is introduced. Because the AEP is related not only to the dielectric inside the sphere but also to the dielectric outside the sphere, it is unlike the equivalent permittivity of concentric layered dielectric sphere. The variation of AEP with the eccentricity and permittivity of dielectric outside the sphere is shown by numerical results.
Key words: eccentric spherical inclusion, eccentricity, effective permittivity
杨河林 肖婷. 含有偏心球形微粒介质球的有效介电常量[J]. 大学物理, 2009, 28(1): 11-11.
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