›› 2008, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (6): 31-31.
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Abstract: The effects of n and l quantum numbers on radial wavefunction of H, K and K-like ion are studied by using the Hartree-Fork average self-consistent field(SCF) theory. Usually the core is very compact, and the wavefunction is found to be just as that of hydrogenic electron when n and l are large. The centrifugal potential prevents the electron from penetrating so far into the small r region of core, and the nodes position of radial wavefunctions is shown to remain essentially static with different n and l. In the region near the nucleus the centrifugal potential is so important that the electron with small l penetrates only slightly into the core region, the centrifugal repulsion will keep the large l electron at rather large radii. With increasing ionization, the effects of centrifugal potential become weaker oppositely, and the electron with any l can penetrate into the core region.
Key words: radial wavefunction, probability density, core, centrifugal potential
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