›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 1-1.
• 著者文摘 • Next Articles
Abstract: In the field of condensed matter physics,superconductivity is such a branch,which has already developed for 100 years but is still full of challenge,chance,and vital.The passion for the research in this branch does not decline even after 100 years.In this paper,the important historic events during the past 100 years are reviewed: from the discovery of the superconductivity by Onnes to Nb3Ge alloy,from high-Tc superconductors to MgB2 and FeAs superconductors,from BCS microscopic theory to the present chaos in theory.The history of the superconductivity is a vivid picture of scientific developments and full of philosophical meanings.
Key words: superconductivity, condensed matter physics, Kamerlingh Onnes, Josephson effect
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