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    20 September 2021 Volume 40 Issue 9
    Permeating frontier progress about two-dimensional materials into the teaching of solid state physics
    HUANG Gui-qin
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  1.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.210011
    Abstract ( 966 )   PDF (616KB) ( 1460 )  
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    Solid state physics is a course close to the frontiers of science. In this paper,

    permeating recent pro- gress of two-dimensional materials into the teaching of solid physics is

    discussed. This will make the course contents be full of features of the times and is helpful to stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning and

    interest in scientific research.

    Variationally optimized orthogonalized associated Laguerre basis applied to calculate exaction energies and wave functions in a freestanding monolayerMoS2
    WU Shu-dong, WANG Qiang, CHENG Li-wen
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  5.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.200495
    Abstract ( 761 )   PDF (571KB) ( 479 )  
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    The exaction energies and wave functions in a freestanding monolayer MoS2 are calculated

    by an ex- act diagonalization method based on a variationally optimized

    orthogonalized associated Laguerre basis. The dielectric screening effect breaks the SO(3)

    symmetry, which leads to the fact the exaction energies appear in an a-

    nomalous energy ordering of the orbital angular momentum. The method uses associated

    Laguerre polynomials to

    construct orthogonal basis functions that satisfy both bound and continuum states

    automatically and the analytical expressions for the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian are derived. The rate of convergence depends

    not only on the number of basis functions but also on the variational parameter. In the case of

    variational optimization, the conver- gences are surprisingly fast and show the reliability of

    the method. Using the orthogonalized associated Laguerre ba-sis can reduce considerably the basis size and computational cost. Our calculated

    eigenenergies with even a small number of basis functions are in excellent agreement with the

    results available in the literature. The variationally op- timized orthogonalized associated

    Laguerre basis is proven to be suitable for the accurate description of exaction in

    two-dimensional materials and atomic physics.

    The intuitional teaching method of the beat phenomenon
    XIA Zheng-rong, LI Rong-qing, TONG Yue, XU Xiao-xue
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  10.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.200324
    Abstract ( 1391 )   PDF (534KB) ( 740 )  
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    Combining the rotating vector method, the constructed process of the beat phenomenon and

    the rea- son that caused the characteristic of the Beat phenomenon are analyzed. Then the

    amplitude and the phase position of the beat phenomenon are discussed in detail. Finally, the

    phase jump is also shown by the rotating vector method

    clearly. The method describing the beat phenomenon in this paper makes the model of the beat

    phenomenon so visu-al and intuitive that one can understand it very easily.

    Effective potential energy and visualization of rotation of Lagrangian gyro
    ZHOU Qun-yi, ZHOU Li-li, MO Yun-fei, HOU Zhao-yang
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  13.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.210078
    Abstract ( 1191 )   PDF (909KB) ( 468 )  
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    In this paper,the energy conservation formula in the article “Analysis of the rotation modes of the

    symmetric top around fixed point in gravitational field”has been questioned,and the correct formula has been deduced

    and proved. Two conservation parameters are introduced in the formula of effective potential energy,and the

    derivative and the second derivative of the effective potential energy are obtained. In addition,the effective potential

    energy and second-order derivative have also been calculated when the derivative is zero. Through drawing and analysis,

    the range of the change of nutation angle during the gyro rotation and the stability at the equilibrium point

    are explained.

    How much charges on a hemisphere?
    QIU Wei-gang
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  21.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.200546
    Abstract ( 1309 )   PDF (449KB) ( 974 )  
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    The electric potential produced by two hemispheres with constant and opposite potential

    is expressed as infinite sums of Legendre functions in spherical coordinate. The electric charge density and total charges on the

    hemisphere are derived. Calculation shows that the charge is infinite.

    Understanding the equivalent descriptions for polarization and magnetization by analyzing the   electromagnetic forces on mediums
    PAN Rui, NIE Zhu-yang, LIN Fang, YAO Xin, WANG Lei, ZHANG Xiao-xiao, TANG Yu, JI Zhi-hong,
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  23.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.200509
    Abstract ( 952 )   PDF (514KB) ( 398 )  
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    This article aims to build a connection between the polarized charge distribution and the

    electric po- larization density by deriving the electric field force on a medium in two

    approaches. One is based on the polarized

    charge distribution and the other is based on the electric polarization density. This article

    also connects the magneti- zation density and the magnetizing current density by deriving the

    magnetic field force on a medium in two approa-ches based on the magnetization density and the magnetizing current density

    respectively. The methods used in this article not only show the aforementioned connections, but also directly tell the

    relationship between the polarized charge surface density and the electric polarization as

    well as the relation between the magnetization density and the magnetizing current surface

    density at the boundary of the medium, which is powerful and easy to learn.

    Measuring the width of the cut-off part of the Billet split lens by the split-wavefront double-beam interferometry experiment
    ZHU Ling, LU Rong-de, ZHAO Wei, ZHENG Hong, ZHANG Quan, LI Heng-yi
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  28.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.200479
    Abstract ( 1383 )   PDF (665KB) ( 1425 )  
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    The interferometry of spherical wave convergent light is used in this paper to

    experimentally measure the width of the cut- off part of the Billet split lens by using He-

    Ne laser as the light source,and the uncertainty

    analysis of the width value is carried out.Also,the width value is taken as a known

    quantity to obtain the length of the sodium light wave based on the interferometry of plane wave divergent light and spherical wave

    convergent light.The experimental data are analyzed to verify the rationality of experimentally measuring the

    width of the cut-off part of the Billet split lens.

    A calculation method of gravity potential of spherical topography
    ZHU Hua-qiang
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  33.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.210127
    Abstract ( 887 )   PDF (625KB) ( 262 )  
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    With the abundance of exploration data of Mars and moon,the traditional

    rectangular coordinate gravity potential model is not suitable for the forward and

    inverse processing of the gravity of such small bodies. To solve this problem,a

    spherical model based on Newton's gravitational is presented,which is expanded by

    spherical harmonic expansion.It is shown that the gravity potential of spherical topography can be

    estimated by the topography and its higher order spherical harmonic expansion coefficient,which

    simplifies the complicated quadrature process of traditional numerical integration.Results also

    indicate that the influence of higher topography is less than 7 orders,

    and within 5 orders are generally better to meet the accuracy requirements.The algorithm is

    applied to the estimation of the gravity potential on the surface of Mars,and the results

    are consistent with the topography characteristics of Mars,which shows that the proposed

    algorithm is reasonable to some extent.

    Exploration and practice of improving teaching and learning quality of college physics experiment based on transfer theory
    JIANG Han-yu, HE Jun, DING Zuo-ming, ZHANG Kai-yang, CHU Hong-yan
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  37.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.210125
    Abstract ( 798 )   PDF (841KB) ( 356 )  
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    In order to improve the teaching and learning quality of college physics experiment,a

    teaching meth- od based on the transfer theory is proposed in this paper.Preview before class

    is performed with the portrait mode of

    structuralism to construct a fine knowledge system for the cognitive and attitude

    transfer.Inquiry teaching is adopted in the teaching-learning process to improve the

    transfer efficiency.Reflection and extension are promoted after class to consolidate the

    transfer achievement. The practice has showed that this teaching method fully realizes

    the advan-tage of the transfer theory in teaching and learning,stimulates the activity of

    students'thinking,makes students′ex- periment process change from simple repetition into

    deep understanding,and finally enhances the students'learning capacity and creativity.

    Discussion on teaching method of optical simulation design and challenging innovation training
    JIANG Ping, YANG Hua-jun, CAIYANG Wei-nan, WU Shao-yi, QIN Yan
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  42.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210017
    Abstract ( 816 )   PDF (963KB) ( 243 )  
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    Based on the training concept of theoretical modeling, visual simulation,

    innovative practice and frontier challenges,the teaching team focused on implementing the

    training goal of the “Applied Physics Strengthening Foundation Plan” of University of Electronic

    Science and Technology of China,and has carried out the reform of prac- tical training teaching

    mode for undergraduate core courses,such as optical system design,optical communication tech-

    nology, mathematical physics method, etc. In terms of teaching methods, the abstract,

    complicated and tedious theoretical models are vividly displayed through 3D visual

    simulation,which makes it easier to understand.In program- ming training,innovative design and 3D

    reconstruction of optical system are carried out to cultivate students' practical programming

    ability.In the challenging practice,the virtual simulation platform of the optical experiment is

    constructed to inspire the innovative and challenging thinking of college students. This teaching method

    has achieved remarkable teaching effect on training research talents with programming

    simulation ability and challenging innovation practice a-bility,and provided talents reserve for science and engineering technology research to fulfil

    national strategic demand.

    Study on Ampere forces between rectangular and between circular cross-section current-carrying parallel double conductors
    ZHANG Sheng-yuan, XU Tian-fu, GUO Fang-xia
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  47.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.200505
    Abstract ( 931 )   PDF (873KB) ( 405 )  
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    The distribution of magnetic field in space and Ampere forces on conductors

    with different cross - section shapes are of great significance in practical engineering

    applications.In this paper,the magnetic field distri-bution of the current-carrying conductor with infinite rectangular cross-section and circular

    cross-section is theoret- ically analyzed and calculated,and then the Ampere Forces between

    two parallel rectangular cross-section conduc- tors and between two circular cross-section

    ones are analyzed,the magnetic field distribution and Ampere force are

    simulated by Matlab software.The results show that the magnetic induction lines of the

    current-carrying conductors with rectangular cross-section are nearly elliptic,and the Ampere

    force between the two parallel rectangular cross- section current-carrying conductors is not

    only related to the distance and cross-section size,when the distance and cross-section size are

    fixed,it also depends on the direction of placement. When the side length ratio a / b >

    1,the Ampere Force is less than that of two circular cross-section conductors with the same area and

    current-carrying den- sity.And the smaller the a / b values,the greater the force is.When a / b

    <1,the force is greater than that.But with the increase of conductor spacing,the difference of two forces becomes smaller and smaller.

    Defining the quasi-period of a Moire fringe using continued fraction expansion
    YE Zheng-jun, ZHU Yi-ran, HUANG Ze-jiang, XIA Cheng-jie
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  52.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210085
    Abstract ( 1089 )   PDF (702KB) ( 287 )  
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    A Moire fringe formed by the superposition of two parallel periodic arrays of lines is

    not strictly peri- odic, whose approximate periodicity corresponds to best approximations to a

    real number. The quasi-periodicity of a

    Moire fringe can be rigorously defined by expressing the ratio of the respective periods of

    the two arrays in the form of a continued fraction expansion, and its quasi-periods can be

    derived by approximating the ratio to convergents of different orders. Meanwhile, the observed

    period is the lowest quasi - period with a degree of aperiodicity smaller

    than an empirical constant. Based on this direct correspondence between a Moire fringe and

    continued fraction of a real number, a set of rigorously-periodic Moire fringes and another set of “worst periodic”

    golden-ratio fringes can be identified. The present work connects Moire fringes with the basic

    properties of real numbers, and therefore pro- vides new understandings for the Moire fringe

    phenomenon, and is of general significance to all sorts of periods su-perposition problems.

    Solving time-independent Schrödinger equation by the fourth-order accurate difference method
    LIU Zhan-yuan, GUAN Cheng-bo, LU Ying-bo, ZHANG Peng, CONG Wei-yan
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  58.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210063
    Abstract ( 1368 )   PDF (565KB) ( 543 )  
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    In the finite difference calculations of the time-independent Schrödinger

    equation, the mostly used difference formula is the central difference formula, which is

    accompanied with a truncation error on the second-or- der of step-size. In this paper, the

    fourth-order accurate difference formulas of the derivatives are derived by the

    five-point polynomial interpolation, and used to solve time - independent Schrödinger

    equation in several common potential wells. The numerical results show that, the

    fourth - order accurate difference formula has better

    convergence and higher precision than the common central difference formula.

    Investigate on magnetic levitation phenomenon by magnetic stirrer
    LIU Meng-ni , ZHANG Yang-lin , YAN Zhi-yuan , SUN Mei-man , FAN Ting
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  63.  doi: 10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.200532
    Abstract ( 824 )   PDF (612KB) ( 227 )  
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    The flea in the magnetic stirrer can steadily rise and suspend in the viscous fluid

    with the change of the speed of magnetic stirrer. The motion of the flea in magnetic levitation

    is analyzed theoretically by means of dy-

    namical equation, and the parameters affecting the stable levitation are investigated

    experimentally by means of var- iable controlling. The experimental and theoretical results

    show that the higher the fluid viscosity coefficient, the lower the suspension height of

    the flea. As the driving speed of magnetic stirrer increasing, the flea oscillation angu- lar

    velocity ωw strengthened, rotation angular velocity ωs weakens, suspension height decreases;

    Smaller flea tended to be more stable in the center, and smaller beakers tended to provide an

    initial stable state. When the initial height zb from the bottom of the flea is fixed, the

    higher the driving speed, or when the driving speed is fixed, the higher the initial height zb

    from the bottom of the flea, the smaller the corresponding swing amplitude.

    The two-dimensional eddy current’s feedback and manipulation
    LIU Hao-tian , FENG Jie-cheng , KANG Xian-wei
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  68.  doi: 10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.200512
    Abstract ( 538 )   PDF (578KB) ( 179 )  
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    This article is proposed to research the two-dimensional eddy current’s feedback and

    manipulation. First of all, aiming at the most important eddy current detection of

    non-destructive detection, the uniqueness of the

    solution for the inverse problem is proved, according to the theory of electromagnetic radiation.

    Secondly, the theory of eddy detection in industry and some factors that influence eddy

    detection are investigated. Lastly, because the Maxwell’ s equations are equivalent

    between arbitrary curved coordinate systems and rectangular coordinate systems, by

    changing the permeability and the dielectric constant, the coordinate of electromagnetic

    field can be changed accordingly, which results in controlling the eddy current field.

    Electrodynamic explanation of faraday magneto-optical rotation effect
    XIAO Tian-ning, WANG Shuan-hu
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  72.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.210068
    Abstract ( 2733 )   PDF (463KB) ( 1402 )  
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    Faraday magneto-optical rotation effect is a phenomenon that applying an external

    magnetic field to an isotropic medium will induce the optical rotation property. In this

    paper, light is regarded as an electromagnetic wave. By using the method of electrodynamics,

    starting from the equation of motion of electrons in an isotropic me- dium under an external

    magnetic field, the change of the system caused by the magnetic field will be analyzed. And then

    the relative dielectric tensor is obtained, which is solved by combining with Maxwell

    equations. By using the simple knowledge of electrodynamics, we can strictly deduce that the

    eigenstates of magneto-optical system must be right-handed and left-handed polarization.

    Furthermore, we can make readers better understand the source of fara-

    day effect in the perspective of eigenvalue problem.

    Measurement of liquid diffusion coefficient by digital holographic interferometry based on optical path compensation
     HUANG Zi-shan , LIN Jia-mao , WENG Jia-xuan , DENG Jun-can , CHEN Jun-xu , PENG-li,
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  76.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.210094
    Abstract ( 973 )   PDF (571KB) ( 273 )  
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    The measurement of liquid diffusion coefficient plays an important role in

    industrial production. In this paper, based on the optical path compensation method, the

    Mach-Zehnder interferometric optical path is used

    to measure the liquid diffusion coefficient. The object light and the reference light of a laser

    holographic interference path passed through the diffusion groove and the compensation groove

    respectively. When the liquid to be measured

    diffused in the diffusion groove, the interference pattern would change. The diffusion

    coefficient can be obtained by

    image processing of two interference patterns at different times by fringe

    discrimination method. Wavelet deposing

    and frequency-domain filtering are required for image processing. After the interference

    patterns at different times are superimposed after filtering, the phase changes are obtained

    by phase discretization of the superimposed images using the least square phase unwrapping

    algorithm of DCT transform. The liquid phase diffusion coefficient can be

    obtained by reading the distance between the maximum concentration changes.

    Green functions and their applications to ordinary differential equations
    QIAN Guang-yao, YAN Ruo-kun, WANG Ze-xi, ZHENG Shen-zhou
    College Physics. 2021, 40(9):  81.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000- 0712.210142
    Abstract ( 2681 )   PDF (460KB) ( 995 )  
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    In this paper, we are devoted to a review of the Green functions and the Green

      function method for solving the initial and boundary value problems of various ordinary

      differential equations. For the initial value prob- lem of linear ordinary differential equation

      of first order, the formula of Green function and the solution represented

      by Green function are given. For the boundary value problem and initial value problem of linear

      ordinary differential equation of second order, the calculation of Green function and the

      solution represented by Green function are shown, respectively. The calculation of Green

      function and the solution representation by Green function for Sturm-

      Liouville problem satisfying general initial value conditions are established. For the

      un-mixed and mixed boundary value problems of linear ordinary differential equations of second

      order, we also consider how to find Green function and the solution represented by Green

      function, respectively. Finally, For the boundary value problem of higher or- der linear ordinary

      differential equations, the Green function and the solution expressed by Green function

      are ob-
