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    20 November 2021 Volume 40 Issue 11
    Notes on the principles of quantum mechanics
    YANG Shi-jie
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  1.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210122
    Abstract ( 1139 )   PDF (244KB) ( 753 )  
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    The principles of quantum mechanics as well as basic concepts and classical

    correspondence are re- examined from advanced point of views. We also discusse the relation

    between Planck constant and representation transformation.

    Electrostatic induction of the infinite ungrounded conductor plate
    FU Quan-hong, ZHENG Jian-bang, FAN Yuan-cheng, ZHANG Fu-li
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  5.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210041
    Abstract ( 1271 )   PDF (239KB) ( 754 )  
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    Utilizing the uniqueness theorem of the boundary value problem of electrostatic field,we

    strictly an- alyze the problem of electrostatic induction of the infinite ungrounded conductor

    plate,and use the simulation soft- ware of COMSOL Multiphysics to verify the theoretically

    calculated results.

    Refraction relation of the extraordinary light in uniaxial crystals and its applications
    XING Rong, ZHU Xiang-ping, HAN Xin
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  9.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210150
    Abstract ( 1040 )   PDF (205KB) ( 579 )  
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    The refraction relation of the extraordinary light ray with the incident light on

    uniaxial crystals from isotropic media is derived by using Huyghens principle. And the matched

    sign convention is also given. The refrac- tion relation is appropriate for the situations where

    the optical axis is in the incidence plane. Three special cases are discussed with the refraction

    relation. The results are as follows: when the incident light ray rotates around the inci- dence

    point in the incident plane,the extraordinary light ray must rotate in the same direction; under

    the particular conditions,the extraordinary light ray can appear at the side of the

    interfacial normal where the incident light ray exists; the refraction angle of the

    extraordinary light ray has a maximum value when the incident angle is 90°.

    Geometric phase of one-dimensional forced harmonic oscillator
    SUN Yu-ming
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  12.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210231
    Abstract ( 956 )   PDF (197KB) ( 587 )  
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    Combining the unitary transformation method and Lie algebra method,a simple method

    for solving one-dimensional forced harmonic oscillator is given,and the geometric phases of

    cyclic and non-cyclic evolution of quantum states are discussed.

    vibration law of Wilberforce pendulum
    JIANG Fu-jin¹, HAN Can²
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  15.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210083
    Abstract ( 2659 )   PDF (685KB) ( 1898 )  
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    In this paper,a possible vibration model is conjectured according to the vibration

    characteristics of Wilberforce pendulum. Based on this model,the dynamic differential equations of

    Wilberforce pendulum are written out. Then the normal frequency and the analytical solution of the

    vibration are obtained. Finally,the numerical sim- ulation of the analytical solution is carried

    out and compared with the experimental data,which proves the rationali- ty of the conjecture

    Development of a comprehensive experimental instrument for magnetic field and Ampere force
    HUANG Yun-mi¹, ², CAI Jian-qiu¹, ², LUO Hai-jun¹, ²
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  21.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210254
    Abstract ( 898 )   PDF (638KB) ( 451 )  
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     The measurement of traditional magnetic field and Ampere force are carried out on

    completely inde- pendent experimental instruments. In this paper,Arduino MCU and Hall sensor

    are applied to university physics experimental instruments,and a kind of comprehensive

    instrument is designed and manufactured to measure the distribution of magnetic field and

    the Ampere force caused by the current carrying circular coil,Helmholtz coil and Hall sensor. The

    magnetic induction intensity and Ampere force can be read through the display screen

    directly, conveniently and fast. The experimental teaching principles and contents of studying the

    influence factors of magnet- ic field distribution and Ampere force are expanded,which is helpful

    for students to deepen their understanding of the application and practice of physical

    knowledge,cultivate students’innovative thinking and stimulate their inter- est in learn.

    Exploration and practice of college physics teaching based on portable demonstration experiment
    QIN Zhe¹, YANG Guang-wu², HU Xue-lan¹, LU Xiao-cui², MA Zeng-hong²
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  26.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210026
    Abstract ( 808 )   PDF (367KB) ( 807 )  
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    Firstly,through the investigation and analysis of the current situation of

    demonstration experiment in colleges and universities,it is found that most of the science and

    engineering colleges and universities have less class hours,low utilization rate,and can not

    achieve the desired teaching effect. Secondly,it is proposed that teachers should

    constantly carry out the innovation and practice of teaching ideas. According to the

    characteristics of their own teaching in colleges and universities,the portable classroom

    demonstration experiment instrument is de- veloped and designed,and the portable classroom

    demonstration experiment system is constructed. Finally,taking the portable wave optics

    demonstrator used in the teaching process of single slit diffraction of wave optics in the sec- ond

    semester of the junior year as a teaching case,the role of physics demonstrator in the daily

    teaching of cultiva- ting students' physical thinking and innovation ability is expounded

    Physics courses in European universities
    LI Zu-bin, YAN Xiao-qing, SONG Feng
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  31.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210136
    Abstract ( 791 )   PDF (228KB) ( 712 )  
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    Under the new requirements of the new century,general physics coureses in university

    need to be reformed. As the birthplace of modern universities,physics coureses in

    European universities are examples that should be referred to. In this paper the setting of

    physics courses and their credits in high-level universities in Eu- rope are investigated. The

    statistical results show that physics courses are still the basic general courses for most sci-ence disciplines in most universities. For different disciplines,more flexible and reasonable settings might be the di- rection of future reformation of general physics coureses.

    Design and practice of ideological and political education in the teaching of electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave
    SONG Ling-ling, HUANG Wen
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  36.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210201
    Abstract ( 2180 )   PDF (448KB) ( 944 )  
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    Based on Gauss theorem in electromagnetic field and electromagnetic wave,in this paper

    the design of teaching with teachers as the main body is carried out,in which there are five

    teaching links: introduction,es- tablishment,breaking,extension and conclusion,so as to realize

    the teaching conception of knowledge inheritance and ability migration. Integrating the ideological

    and political elements into the curriculum from three dimensions not only solve the teaching

    difficulties,such as determining the size of the spatial angle,the key meaning of

    positive and negative,and the calculation of the spatial angle of closed surface,but also guide

    students to see problems from multiple perspectives,and help students to establish a correct

    outlook on life,values,and the world,so as to real- ize the goal of condensing the knowledge in the

    value dissemination and realizing value guidance in the knowledge dissemination.

    Lessons learnt from online teaching during covid-19 pandemic on the development of mixed first-class curriculum —based on the data analysis of students' learning experience
    CHE Xiao-qi, HUANG An-ping, JIN Shuo, CHEN Zi-yu, YE Zhan-hong
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  41.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210209
    Abstract ( 940 )   PDF (313KB) ( 485 )  
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    Online teaching is an emergency education strategy that maintains the continuation of

    teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper the online teaching experience in

    physics college in Beihang University during the pandemic is summarized and data from four surveys

    and interview contents of students' online learning experience is analyzed. The results show that

    there are significant differences in students' learning experi-ence ( such as the frequency of teacher-student interaction,learning pressure,etc.) between online and in-person learning which varied with the learning time. The interactive design of online teaching and the scientific evaluation are highly approved by students,that fully expect to engage in the mixed online and in-person teaching after retur- ning to school. This large-scale

    online teaching practice is consistent with the basic principles of the first-class cur- riculum development in terms of innovation of teaching methods,improvement of learning challenges,and helping students achieve the high-level learning goals. The feedback from students also serves as  an excellent guide for the development of the first-class courses.

    Measurement of rigid body inertia tensor using gyroscope sensor on a mobile phone
    LOU Chen-xuan, ZHOU Jing-lin, ZHENG Xue-yao, LIU Ke-wei, LUO Dan-nan, BAI Zai-qiao
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  48.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210079
    Abstract ( 1023 )   PDF (375KB) ( 508 )  
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    By using a gyroscope sensor and phyphox software,the angular velocity curve of a free

    falling mo- bile phone is recorded. Then,up to a scale constant,the inertia tensor of the

    phone is determined based on the conservation of orbital angular momentum and kinetic energy

    in the center-of-mass reference frame. Depending on whether vanishing off-diagonal elements is or

    not assumed,two algorithms are proposed to calculate the inertia ten- sor. The results are

    confirmed by substituting it into the Euler equation for recoded trajectories.

    Dynamics of active Brownian particle with internal energy depot
    QIU Xing, YANG Zi-bei, XIA Shi-qi, WANG Hai-yan
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  53.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210014
    Abstract ( 797 )   PDF (438KB) ( 336 )  
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    In the paper,the dynamics of active Brownian particle with internal energy depot is

    investigated by numerical simulation. First,for the free potential case,the results show that

    active Brownian particles do not per- form directed motion and the mean squared displacement of

    active Brownian particle is a nonlinear function of time. Then in the harmonic potential case,we

    find that the free diffusion of particle is restricted and the range of diffusive motion of active

    Brownian particle is larger than that of passive Brownian particle during the same time interval.

    At last,for asymmetric period potential we calculate the distribution of the displacement of the

    active Brownian particle and the averaged velocity of the active Brownian particle change in time

    with different potential barriers. The results show whether or not active Brownian particle is

    able to transfer the depot energy into directed motion depends on the height of asymmetric

    potential barrier.

    Virtual experiment system of potentiometer based on LabVIEW
    LI Wen-tao¹, SUN Qian-qian¹, LU Chen-ling¹, YU Ming-zhou²,
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  59.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210194
    Abstract ( 1025 )   PDF (791KB) ( 1512 )  
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    In order to help students to learn physics experiment courses online and realize the

    online examina- tion of experimental operation,virtual simulation experiment of measuring

    electromotive force with eleven-wire po- tentiometer is designed and developed on LabVIEW

    platform,which can fully simulate all functions of the actual in- strument. The operating steps and

    experimental precision of the virtual simulation experiment software are consistent with those of

    the experimental instrument used in our school. Meanwhile,the virtual instrument is also

    equipped with operational tips and instructions,which can help students preview and review the

    experimental principles and process on the computer. The packaged software can be completely

    detached from the programming platform and be used on other computers without the need for

    pre-installed software. The experimental principle,the design method of the virtual instrument

    and the selection basis of the parameters are described in detail,and the programming

    block diagram of the system is provided.

    Diffraction and splitting function of phase grating
    ZOU Yi-yun, LIN Jia-li, LU Yue-yuan, YAN Xiao-na
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  64.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210104
    Abstract ( 4031 )   PDF (407KB) ( 1553 )  
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    Using the coherent superposition,diffractions are deduced when a plane wave incidents on

    a phase grating. Results show that the ±1 order diffraction of the phase grating can get the

    maximum intensity and realize the splitting function,overcoming the problems in amplitude grating

    where the 0 order diffraction has the maximum in- tensity but with no splitting function. The

    diffraction efficiency of ±1 order diffraction with respect to the duty ratio and phase introduced

    by the phase material are discussed. The method we provided here has implicit physical mean- ings

    and is easy to adapt to other diffraction structure.

    Analysis of rainbow from the perspective of wave optics
    JIA Jia-qi, HUANG Zhen, XU Qing-ying, WU Qing-lin
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  69.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210114
    Abstract ( 1697 )   PDF (883KB) ( 780 )  
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    Rainbow is a common natural phenomenon. In optical teaching,Fermat principle

    is the general method for rainbow angle deduction. Nevertheless,this paper explores the

    principles and features of rainbow from the perspective of wave optics by calculating the

    intensity of the primary and secondary rainbow quantitatively using Fresnel formula.

    Furthermore,we give the theoretical explanation of the rainbow angle and prove that

    rainbow is partial polarized light.

    Principle and experimental verification of mirage formation
    HAN Run-ze
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  74.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210046
    Abstract ( 848 )   PDF (620KB) ( 1256 )  
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     This article studies the principle of mirage formation in nonlinear index

    gradient fluids. Based on Snell's law,the optical path model is established. On this basis,the

    optical path and mirage imaging law are simu- lated with MATLAB. A solution with negative

    exponential gradient of refractive index in the vertical direction is con- figured,and the actual

    optical path is obtained by irradiating the solution with laser. The data points of optical path

    are extracted by tracker software,and the data are analyzed by MATLAB. The experimental

    optical path function and imaging position are consistent with the prediction results of Snell's

    law. We also analyze the rationality of neg- lecting the secondary factors in the experiment,which

    shows that Snell's law is reasonable The law explains the cor- rectness of mirage formation.

    Exploration of the sinking of Saxon bowl: correction of simple harmonic vibration
    WANG Xing¹, ², LI Qiu-hang¹, HOU Ji-xuan¹, CHEN Qian¹
    College Physics. 2021, 40(11):  80.  doi:10.16854 / j.cnki.1000-0712.210095
    Abstract ( 1401 )   PDF (654KB) ( 1167 )  
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    Starting from the correction of harmonic vibration,theoretical analysis and

    experimental exploration on the sixth topic Saxon bowl of IYPT2020 are carried out. This topic

    describes a fact that the ancient Saxons used the bowl with holes on bottom to tell the time. Such

    a bowl sinking model can be used as a vivid case to enhance students' understanding of simple

    harmonic vibration and damped vibration. In this way,the complicated formula derivation is avoided

    and the simple equation is obtained. By using computer to solve the differential equation

    and doing experi- ments,the feasibility of the theory is proved and the influence of some

    factors on the sinking time is studied