大学物理 ›› 2010, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (7): 4-4.
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张慧亮[1] 陈炯骆[2]
摘要: 研究电子在圆偏振光驱动下的经典动力学问题以及金属中逆法拉第效应(IFE)的经典微观机制.得到电子在圆偏振光驱动下的一个解,表明其运动轨道是螺旋线.忽略电子与磁场的相互作用,电子作绕平行于其初速度的轴、横截面为椭圆的螺旋线运动,产生了一个平行于其初速度、方向由圆偏振光的手征性决定的磁矩.磁矩的统计结果与Hertel从电子气整体出发得到的结果一致.
关键词: 法拉第效应, 逆法拉第效应, 圆偏振光
Abstract: Classical dynamics of an electron driven by a circularly polarized light beam and classical micromechanism of the inverse Faraday effect (IFE) in metals are studied. The orbit of the electron is a solenoid. Neglecting the effect of the magnetic field in the light beam, the electron moves along a helix of elliptic cross section, with axis parallel to its initial velocity. The motion of the electron generates a magnetic monent which sign is decided by the chirality of circularly polarized light. For a free electron gas with isotropic distribution in the velocity,the average of magnetic moments per unit volume yields a stationary magnetization identical to that given by Hertel.
Key words: Faraday effect, inverse Faraday effect, circularly polarized light
张慧亮[] 陈炯骆[]. 金属中逆法拉第效应的经典理论[J]. 大学物理, 2010, 29(7): 4-4.
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