大学物理 ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (6): 20-20.

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苏亚凤 李普选 徐忠锋 张孝林   

  1. 西安交通大学理学院,陕西西安710049
  • 出版日期:2011-06-25 发布日期:2011-06-20

A demonstration experiment of self-organization process and its role in college physics teaching

  • Online:2011-06-25 Published:2011-06-20

摘要: 实现了置于强电场下介质中的金属小球在一定条件下自组织演化过程,观察了实验中金属小球的各种运动行为.分析认为,系统自发地从无序向有序状态演化是由于此开放系统从外界取得的负熵流的绝对值大于系统内部的熵增加,系统的总熵减小所致.最后说明了此演示实验不仅可以使学生观察到有趣的电学现象,而且有助于使学生对热学有一个相对完整的认识,从而激发学生探索未知领域的兴趣.

关键词: 自组织过程, 分形,

Abstract: The self-organization evolution process of metallic balls immersed in oil under high voltage is real- ized experimentally under some conditions. The behaviors of metallic balls in the experiments are analyzed and the thermodynamic interpretation of the open complex system from disorder to order is given analytically. Also, the sig- nificances of this experiment in college general physics teaching activities are discussed.

Key words: self-organization process, fractal, entropy


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