College Physics ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 36-.doi: 10.16854 /j.cnki.1000-0712.180371

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Research on the contributions of physics in Nanjing University in the first half of the 20th century

WANG Jing   

  1. School of Physics,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210093,China
  • Received:2017-11-15 Revised:2018-06-19 Online:2019-03-20 Published:2019-04-26

Abstract: Based on the outstanding achievements in academic development and education,the physics in

Nanjing University was one of the birth place of higher education and research in physics during the initial period of

institutionalization of modem physics in China. The contributions of Physics in Nanjing University in the first half of

the 20th century are introduced. According to the origins of the department of physics,the article describes the

great efforts on its teaching and scientific research,scientific extension and talents cultivation.

Key words: physics, Nanjing University, scientific contribution, scientific achievements