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    20 June 2011 Volume 30 Issue 6
    Entanglement in the scattering process by the spin impurity
    . 2011, 30(6):  4-4. 
    Abstract ( 815 )   PDF (379KB) ( 423 )  
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    The entanglement in the scattering processes by the spin-fixed impurity and the Kondo impurity is investigated, respectively. The spin-fixed impurity is employed as a filter to concentrate entanglement. One Kondo impurity can create entanglement between two noninteracting particles and one scattered particle can do so between two noninteracting Kondo impurities.
    Analysis of two-body problem by using inertial force
    . 2011, 30(6):  8-8. 
    Abstract ( 818 )   PDF (151KB) ( 541 )  
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    The two-body problem is analyzed via inertial force.
    Calculation of rotational inertia of an elliptic cylinder uniform rigid body
    . 2011, 30(6):  9-9. 
    Abstract ( 1206 )   PDF (249KB) ( 1995 )  
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    According to the definition of rotational inertia, the mass projection method is used to calculate the rotational inertia. The rotational inertia of an uniform elliptical cylinder rigid body is calculated.
    The probability distribution of particle scattering in one-dimensional square potential barrier
    . 2011, 30(6):  12-12. 
    Abstract ( 933 )   PDF (415KB) ( 598 )  
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    By using the numerical method, this paper investigates the probability distribution of a particle moving in the one-dimensional square barrier for three cases: E〉Uo ,0〈E〈U0 and E= U0. We give the probability density figure where the probability distribution evolution in scattering processes in different square barriers can be clearly seen. The relation between the transmissions, reflection coefficients with the barrier height has been ana- lyzed in detail.
    A concise approach to derivation of the general formula of matrix element 〈nl (fX+gP)^k lm) for harmonic oscillator
    . 2011, 30(6):  17-17. 
    Abstract ( 866 )   PDF (269KB) ( 499 )  
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    Based on the normally o ment for harmonic oscillator is deduced c harmonic oscillator's eigenstate, and the concise rdered form of operator (fX+gp)^k ompactly by virtue of the relation k be result is also discussed. It is clear , the general formula of its matrix ele- tween un-normalized coherent state and that this adopted method is very simply
    A demonstration experiment of self-organization process and its role in college physics teaching
    . 2011, 30(6):  20-20. 
    Abstract ( 760 )   PDF (524KB) ( 519 )  
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    The self-organization evolution process of metallic balls immersed in oil under high voltage is real- ized experimentally under some conditions. The behaviors of metallic balls in the experiments are analyzed and the thermodynamic interpretation of the open complex system from disorder to order is given analytically. Also, the sig- nificances of this experiment in college general physics teaching activities are discussed.
    Exploration for teaching method of an air track experiment with system error caused by photoelectric timer
    . 2011, 30(6):  24-24. 
    Abstract ( 878 )   PDF (400KB) ( 1285 )  
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    We analyze the whole process of the air track experiment with system error caused by photoelectric timer. Considering the students' interest, we propose a new teaching method in which the demonstration experiment is replaced by the design experiment on the basis of the problems found by students in experiment.
    Some references about Einstein
    . 2011, 30(6):  28-28. 
    Abstract ( 973 )   PDF (438KB) ( 620 )  
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    Some interesting questions about the biography of Einstein are presented, which include his study, research work, criticism to education and so on.
    Improving teaching quality by introducing simulation testing technique into college physics
    . 2011, 30(6):  32-32. 
    Abstract ( 738 )   PDF (423KB) ( 514 )  
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    The EDA technology in the simulation testing technology is applied to the college physics. This leads to atmosphere of harmony and interactive form between teacher and student, and thus the student likes this processes and improve the teaching efficiency. In order to further enhance the effectiveness of teaching, we present some experiences.
    Cultivating creative high-quality talents by way of CUPT
    . 2011, 30(6):  35-35. 
    Abstract ( 765 )   PDF (330KB) ( 543 )  
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    The undergraduate physics tournament based on competition for teams of undergraduates. The pening research. Practical test has shown that CUPT is ability of undergraduates. in China (CUPT) is a theoretical and practical research unique feature of CUPT is leaning close to practice and o- a good platform for training the creative and comprehensive
    Research on introducing science history into experimental teaching
    . 2011, 30(6):  38-38. 
    Abstract ( 803 )   PDF (580KB) ( 764 )  
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    The meaning and value of strengthening the education of science history in experimental teaching are elaborated from the development course of the introduction science history into science education. It is focused on the following three aspects : (i) science history is helpful to understanding the science essence, the training of ob- jectivity, criticism and innovation spirit; (ii) it is important to the c6mmunication of science and humanities; (iii) it introduces the research case of integration science history into physics experimental textbooks, experimental teaching and innovation educational activities.
    The measurement and research of the advanced optical interferometer
    . 2011, 30(6):  42-42. 
    Abstract ( 819 )   PDF (1158KB) ( 932 )  
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    By using some basic optical components and light source, we build up the Mach-Zehnder interfer- ometer in the laboratory for measuring the impact of pressure on the refractive index of air and different source heat distribution. Combining traditional optical experiments with computer image processing technology, we obtain the temperature field, which is the lines of equal density, and the experimental phenomena is also discussed. This ex- periment can be used as a design experiment for colleges and universities.
    A moire method of visualizing electrostatic equipotential lines
    . 2011, 30(6):  47-47. 
    Abstract ( 923 )   PDF (478KB) ( 432 )  
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    The indicial equation of the equipotential lines of two superimposed electrostatic fields has a similar form to that of the moire fringes formed by two overlapped gratings. So, the corresponding gratings can be designed to visualize a given electrostatic field, and thus to help students in their understanding of fields. This method is also helpful to electric field analysis. Both theoretical analysis and specific examples are given in this paper.
    Experiment of a single-mode fiber acoustic sensor based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer
    . 2011, 30(6):  52-52. 
    Abstract ( 867 )   PDF (515KB) ( 925 )  
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    The optical fiber sensor is a new type of sensor developed in the mid-1970s, in comparison with or- dinary sensors, it has the advantages of high sensitivity, anti-electromagnetic interference, corrosion resistance, anti -burning, etc. Therefore, it is widely used in the sensor field of temperature, stress, magnetic. In this paper, a fiber-optic acoustic sensor is studied, which is based on an all-fiber interferometer, the main technical focuses on production of the probe in the sensing arm. By single-mode fiber acoustic sensor based on Mach - Zehnder in- terferometer, the frequency of sound waves and the sound pressure level (the output voltage difference between peak and trough) can be measured. The frequency response range is 4 N 5000 I-lz, covering the infrasound band, however, which is difficult for ordinary acoustic sensors to achieve. The upper limit of linear response range is 100 dBA.
    Experiment of a simple water-tank Cerenkov muon detector
    . 2011, 30(6):  57-57. 
    Abstract ( 809 )   PDF (517KB) ( 971 )  
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    The process of setting up a simple water-tank Cerenkov detector from raw materials is described in detail. The experiment results of muon detection substantiate its effectiveness in probing high energy elementary particles. The low cost, user-friend and high stability of this instrument show its potential in application of college physics experiments.