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    20 March 2011 Volume 30 Issue 3
    Gravity field,motion integrals and integrability
    . 2011, 30(3):  1-1. 
    Abstract ( 854 )   PDF (356KB) ( 1151 )  
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    The integrals of the motion of particle system in gravity field are discussed,the relation between Runge-Lenz type vector and constants in the separation variable method is analyzed.The integrability of system and its relation with the integrals of motion are also studied.
    Some questions in teaching on relativity
    . 2011, 30(3):  5-5. 
    Abstract ( 809 )   PDF (644KB) ( 827 )  
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    Some important and interesting questions on relativity,for example,how to set up the special relativity by Einstein,bucket experiment the twins paradox,etc.are introduced.
    A quadratic approach to n-dimensional harmonic oscillator energy eigenvalue of coordinate and momentum coupling
    . 2011, 30(3):  11-11. 
    Abstract ( 811 )   PDF (326KB) ( 661 )  
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    By means of quadratic theory,we present a general method to solve the energy eigenvalue of coordinate and momentum coupling of n-dimensional harmonic oscillator.To apply this method to solve the energy eigenvalue of two-dimensional and three-dimensional coupling harmonic oscillator,our conclusion is the same with the others.Since the present method does not require a specific form of transformation matrix,this makes it be simple to solve the eigenvalue of a symmetrical form Hamilton and easy to calculate the results.This method is a universal and very effective algebraic method.
    Diagonalization of Hamiltonian for three-dimensional anisotropic coupled harmonic oscillator
    . 2011, 30(3):  14-14. 
    Abstract ( 905 )   PDF (408KB) ( 553 )  
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    By means of the mensurability of physical quantity and the quadratic form theory,a general method of diagonalization of Hamiltonian for three-dimensional anisotropic coupled harmonic oscillator is proposed,and the Hamiltonian diagonal standard form is given.
    The center of mass of a spring
    . 2011, 30(3):  19-19. 
    Abstract ( 982 )   PDF (251KB) ( 966 )  
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    According to elastic coefficient formula of circular spring and Hooke's law,the formula of the distance of the same particle relative to spring fixation is deduced,a mathematical expression of uneven spring deformation is given,and the mass distribution and the position of the center of mass of a spring are discussed.
    The collision of a pellet and a homogeneous fixed-spindle pole
    . 2011, 30(3):  22-22. 
    Abstract ( 895 )   PDF (268KB) ( 1585 )  
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    The physical rule of the collision of a pellet and a fixed-spindle pole is discussed and the energetic characteristics of complete inelastic collision is clarified.Finally,we prove that two objects will not move together side by side necessarily after a complete inelastic collision.
    Distribution of electric potential between a charged cylinder conductor and a grounded plane conductor obtained by double-polar coordinate
    . 2011, 30(3):  24-24. 
    Abstract ( 854 )   PDF (246KB) ( 510 )  
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    The distribution of electric potential between a charged cylinder conductor and a grounded plane conductor is obtained by double-polar coordinate,as well as the distributions of charge on the conductor surfaces are also given.
    Two methods for solving external driven oscillator system
    . 2011, 30(3):  27-27. 
    Abstract ( 594 )   PDF (164KB) ( 548 )  
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    The time evolution operator is obtained by using the gauge transform of algebra dynamics and the expectation of coherent state for the external driven oscillator system.It is shown that the results of two methods are the same.
    The stability of the eigenstate in the infinite square well
    . 2011, 30(3):  29-29. 
    Abstract ( 646 )   PDF (164KB) ( 474 )  
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    We use the concept of survival probability to study the stability of the eigenstate in the infinite square well.It is found from theoretical analysis and numerical calculation that the ground state is very stability under the perturbation of the Hamitonian while the exited state is very sensitive to the perturbation of the perturbation of the Hamitonian.
    Calculation of quality factor of RL and C parallel resonance circuit
    . 2011, 30(3):  31-31. 
    Abstract ( 1673 )   PDF (345KB) ( 1204 )  
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    The quality factor is an important parameter for a resonant circuit.How to calculate the quality factor of a general RLC resonant circuit is discussed a lot in popular conferences and the quality factor is defined as the ration of voltages or currents.The RL and C parallel resonance circuit,which is the circuit model of practical resonant circuit,is discussed much fewer.The quality factor is calculated according to the definition,namely,the quality factor relates the maximum or peak energy stored to the energy dissipated in the circuit per cycle of oscillation.
    The influence of non-perpendicular diffraction grating on wavelength
    . 2011, 30(3):  34-34. 
    Abstract ( 775 )   PDF (444KB) ( 673 )  
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    The influences of a non-perpendicular diffraction on the wavelength are discussed in three aspects. The figures are plotted by using the Mathematica program,the error is evaluated and compared with the influence of the instrument permitted error.We conclude that some of the adjustments of the spectrometer are necessary,and some are due to the purpose of training.
    Discussion and practice of optical experiment on training applied talent
    . 2011, 30(3):  38-38. 
    Abstract ( 570 )   PDF (303KB) ( 832 )  
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    Aiming at training applied talent,the optical experimental teaching is discussed from the teaching method,the teaching content,teaching means and examination methods.The experimental teachers also the theory teachers are put forward,the class theory is linked the principle of the instruments of the experiment,the experimental content is optimized,the experimental cell is plotted out,the demo experiment is linked the operation experiment,the examination system is established in different aspects.
    A simple method for measuring the mean speed of gas molecules
    . 2011, 30(3):  41-41. 
    Abstract ( 774 )   PDF (305KB) ( 1043 )  
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    The mean speed of gas molecules is measured with a simple method at the room temperature.By using the momentum conservation of the variable mass object,the volatile characteristic of the volatile liquid and the reaction force of gas molecules are analyzed,the quality change of the volatile liquid is measured with the analytical balance,and the mean velocity of gas molecules is achieved.The experimental result is in good agreement with the theoretical value.
    Analysis of the interaction between multiple conductive spheres with electric image iteration
    . 2011, 30(3):  44-44. 
    Abstract ( 889 )   PDF (375KB) ( 855 )  
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    The image method of analyzing the interaction between a conductive sphere and a point charge is generalized to calculate the complex interaction between conductive sphere.The analysis on precision is given and the general way to deal with multiple spheres is illustrated.As an example of multiple spheres,the effect of a third conductive sphere on the two-sphere system is calculated and graphed.The physical picture behind the calculation is discussed briefly.
    Investigation on side effects of the Hall effect at different temperatures
    . 2011, 30(3):  48-48. 
    Abstract ( 870 )   PDF (480KB) ( 1656 )  
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    Experiment on side effects of the Hall effect at different temperatures with P-type InSb is performed.It is found that the Hall voltage due to the side effect is a non-monotonic function of the temperature.The reason for this phenomenon is investigated,and the results show the temperature dependence of side effects is affected by the carrier mobility at different temperatures directly.
    Teaching quantum mechanics to junior undergraduate students:My own experience as a teacher at Peking University
    . 2011, 30(3):  52-52. 
    Abstract ( 944 )   PDF (865KB) ( 1448 )  
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    In this talk,I shall give a brief report on my teaching of quantum mechanics to junior physics major undergraduate students at Peking University.In order to make it easier for the students to understand the basic ideas and principles of quantum mechanics,I represented the subject by following closely its historical development.More precisely,I explained the achievements of these pioneers,such as N.Bohr,W.Heisenberg,P.Dirac and E.Schrdinger in details.As shown by my own experience, this approach is quite effective.Moreover,I find also that it is very helpful on preaching quantum mechanics to undergraduate students if some parables are properly used in lecture
    Analysis of the double-negative refraction phenomenon for two wavelengths in the uniaxial crystals by using the Huygens construction
    . 2011, 30(3):  59-59. 
    Abstract ( 842 )   PDF (262KB) ( 1063 )  
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    The recent research shows that in right-hand anisotropic materials(such as common crystals) the negative refraction will also be taken under certain condition.It can be explained using the Huygens construction.In this paper the Huygens construction is used to elucidate that the double-positive,one positive-one negative,double-negative refraction may occur in the uniaxial crystals for a light beam including two wavelengths under the appropriate condition.The critical angle of incidence for occurrence neganve refraction is calculated for YVO4 crystal.This is beneficial for the students getting a right overall understanding while the left-handed materials and the negative refraction phenomenon are introduced in the teaching.